Touhou Doujinshi Index

Showing the most commented English releases on Dynasty Scans and MangaDex of all time.
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2297 results.
(C83) [Yakumi Sarai (zounose)] Kingyobachi
Book titles and artists
  • (C83) [Yakumi Sarai (zounose)] Kingyobachi
  • (C83) [薬味さらい (ゾウノセ)] 金魚鉢
  • 3×3×3…
  • Amanozako
  • DODO
  • God's Break
  • Goldfish Bowl
  • Higan’s Camellia
  • Hunting Dog's Fangs
  • Kanikan
  • Kingyo Bachi
  • Kingyobachi
  • Magic of Isolation
  • Mugamubiru
  • Nostalgia a la carte
  • Not Growing Used to the Wind
  • R/O
  • Roasted Misfortune
  • Souku no Kiba
  • When You Wish Upon A STAR
  • ムガムビル
  • ムガムビル3
  • 金魚鉢
MangaDex description (English)

The collections of Touhou doujins created by Zounose. Each volume consists of 5 already released stories, and 1 exclusive combining plot elements from the other 5.

Mugamubiru 1 stories:

  1. Ue Tora
  2. Souku no Kiba
  3. When You Wish Upon A Star
  4. Vintage
  5. Dodo
  6. Kasei

Mugamubiru 2 stories:

  1. Kingyobachi
  2. Higan Tsubaki
  3. Rainfall
  4. Kami Yasumi
  5. Canni-can
  6. R/O

Mugamubiru 3 stories:

  1. Icarus
  2. Kaminare
  3. Frandog
  4. Datenshi
  5. Babanbabanki
  6. ルベバ

Mugamubiru 4 stories:

  1. Kaeru no Kuni
  2. Shitei
  3. Dragon Killer
  4. Shirogane Edge
  5. Curse of Crimson
  6. Kaeru no Kuni 2: Land of the Frogs Strikes Back

Mugamubiru 5 stories:

  1. Amanozako
  2. Nostalgia a La Carte
  3. Roasted Misfortune
  4. Magic of Isolation
  5. Without Growing Used to the Wind
  6. 3 x 3 x 3...

Mugamubiru 6 stories:

  1. Ikaregami
  2. Kachikomi Tengu
  3. Happy Birthday Remilia
  4. The Last Supper
  5. Momizi Roll
  6. Shinmei Nameshi

Mugamubiru 7 stories:

  1. Moriya-sama
  2. Marshmallow Sumireko
  3. Dancers of the Boundary
  4. Hakurei Grail
  5. MasqueReimu
  6. Hifuu Club

Mugamubiru 8 stories:

  1. Suwako VS Space Suwako
  2. Flowers in Full Bloom
  3. Go! Go! Around
  4. Crow and Rabbit
  5. Mazi-Magi
  6. Primal Flower

Mugamubiru 9 stories:

  1. Sichuan Girl
  2. Goodbye Beast
  3. Return of Suwako
  4. Bloodshed! Mayhem!! Let's Beseech 'Em!!!
  5. Gods Gods Gods
  6. EATER
Melonbooks description (Japanese) サークル(先生)からのコメント/作品詳細




Toranoana description (Japanese) コメント


EnglishMangaDex86 pages3 comments
EnglishMangaDex45 pages
EnglishMangaDex44 pages
EnglishDynasty Scans44 pages6 comments
This work is part of a series with 1254 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Touhou Chireikiden - Cheating Detective Satori ch42
Book titles and artists
  • Aykırı Dedektif Satori
  • Eastern Strange Legend of Wise Spirits - Cheating Detective Satori
  • Eastern Strange Legend of Wise Spirits - Foul Detective Satori
  • Estranha Lenda Oriental dos Sábios Espíritos ~ A Detetive Trapaceira Satori
  • Touhou Chireikiden - Cheating Detective Satori ch42
  • Touhou Chireikiden - Hansoku Tantei Satori
  • Đông Phương Trí Linh Kỳ Truyện ~ Thám Tử Bất Tuân Satori
  • 東方智霊奇伝 反則探偵さとり
MangaDex description (English)

The fifth official Touhou manga (and the first webcomic) written by ZUN and originally drawn by Ginmokusei.

Touhou Chireikiden focuses on Satori Komeiji's endeavors as a detective, solving mysteries around Gensokyo.

Serialization was paused for a few months after volume 2 was finished due to the health concerns of the original artist Ginmokusei. The series resumed serialization with Yuu Akimaki as the new artist.

MangaDex description (Portuguese)

Touhou Chireikiden é a primeira webcomic oficial da série Touhou Project, escrita por ZUN com ilustrações da novata Ginmokusei, apresentando Satori Komeiji como a mestra detetive das profundezas da Terra.

Pode ser lido em japonês gratuitamente no web blog oficial:

MangaDex description (Spanish)

Cada vez que en Gensokyo se produce un incidente en el que está involucrado un youkai, la sacerdotisa Reimu Hakurei suele resolver la situación confrontando al culpable. Sin embargo, los casos en los que los culpables ocultan su identidad suelen ser demasiado complejos como para que la exterminadora de youkais se encargue de ello.

Entra en escena Satori Komeiji. Como youkai satori, posee un tercer ojo que le permite leer las mentes, detectando a cualquier criminal sin importar las mentiras que pueda inventarse. Con su extraordinaria aptitud como detective, Satori es capaz de resolver todos los misterios que se le plantea, aunque no siempre quiera salir de su mansión.

MangaDex description (Turkish)

Danmaku geri planda kalıyor, Satori'nin inanılmaz dedektiflik yetenekleri ön gösteriye geliyor... Bu mangada "olaylar" yerine "davalar" oluyor ve Satori de bunları çözüyor.

MangaDex description (Vietnamese)

Manga chính thức thứ 5 của Touhou, kịch bản được viết bởi ZUN và được minh họa bởi Ginmonkusei (Sau này được đổi thành Akimaki Yuu vì sức khỏe của Ginmonkusei có vấn đề)

Bộ truyện tập trung vào Satori Komeji, một yêu quái có khả năng đọc tâm trí người khác, cô bắt đầu trở thành thám tử và đi giải quyết các vụ án ở khắp Ảo Tưởng Hương.

EnglishMangaDex30 pages32 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans30 pages
This work is part of a series with 1044 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Touhou Drunken Butterfly Flower ~ Lotus Eaters' Sobering ch01
Book titles and artists
  • Flor de Borboleta Bêbada Oriental ~ Os Bêbados e Sóbrios Comedores de Lotus
  • The Lotus Eaters, Drunk and Sober
  • Touhou Drunken Butterfly Flower ~ Lotus Eaters' Sobering
  • Touhou Drunken Butterfly Flower ~ Lotus Eaters' Sobering ch01
  • Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei
  • Touhou: Flor de Borboleta Bêbada ~ Comedores de Lotus, Bêbados e Sóbrios
  • 東方酔蝶華 ロータスイーター達の酔醒
MangaDex description (English)

In this sixth official Touhou manga series from ZUN, the shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei goes to investigate a strange rumor in the human village, where she gets involved with the local Geidontei bar and its poster girl, Miyoi Okunoda.

MangaDex description (Japanese)


MangaDex description (Portuguese)

Uma estranha história sobre álcool. O mais novo mangá oficial de "Touhou", escrito por ZUN.

Existe um rumor de que em um bar chamado "Geidontei", localizado em uma área remota de Gensokyo, um cliente bêbado foi sequestrado por um youkai. Reimu, sacerdotisa do Santuário Hakurei, embarca em uma investigação, mas aparentemente, a chave para desvendar o caso está na garçonete da loja…?

MangaDex description (Spanish)

En la aldea humana de Gensokyo, un rumor sobre un youkai que supuestamente secuestra a personas alcoholizadas se extiende de forma repentina con gran rapidez, causando miedo y preocupación entre la gente. Mientras tanto, en el centro de este rumor, el bar izakaya Geidontei, no hay nada fuera de lugar en lo que respecta a su comida y bebida, o incluso con respecto a su propietario.

Cuando la sacerdotisa Reimu Hakurei se entera de la situación, intenta cumplir con su deber de investigar el sospechoso establecimiento. Sin embargo, el caso la lleva a otra persona: Miyoi Okunoda, cuya existencia parece ser tan volátil como una burbuja.

EnglishMangaDex31 pages16 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans47 pages
EnglishMangaDex47 pages27 comments
This work is part of a series with 808 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Wild and Horned Hermit: Epilogue: Forgetting the Autumn Leaves After the Cherry Blossoms Fall
Book titles and artists
  • A Shinigami Rema Seu Barco Como Sempre
  • Der Rosenpoet des Ostens ~ Wild and Horned Hermit.
  • Eastern Thorned Poet Hermit ~ Wild and Horned Hermit.
  • Shinigami wa Kyou mo Fune wo Kogu
  • The Shinigami's Rowing Her Boat as Usual
  • Touhou Ibara Kasen ~ Wild and Horned Hermit.
  • Touhou Project Niji Sousaku Series: Shinigami wa Kyou mo Fune wo Kogu
  • WaHH
  • Wild and Horned Hermit: Epilogue: Forgetting the Autumn Leaves After the Cherry Blossoms Fall
  • Тохо Ібаракасен ~ Дика та Рогата Відлюдниця
  • Тохо Ибаракасэн ~ Дикий и Рогатый Отшельник
  • 東方Project二次創作シリーズ 死神はきょうも舟を漕ぐ
  • 東方茨歌仙 ~ Wild and Horned Hermit.
  • 死神はきょうも舟を漕ぐ
MangaDex description (English)

A non-canon doujin Touhou manga featuring Komachi Onozuka, written by Azuma Aya and published in the official Strange Creators of Outer World magazine.

MangaDex description (Portuguese)

Um mangá doujin de Touhou apresentando Komachi Onozuka como protagonista, com história e arte de Azuma Aya, e publicado na revista oficial da franquia, Strange Creators of Outer World.

EnglishMangaDex32 pages19 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans32 pages
This work is part of a series with 481 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
The Tiles That I Cannot Cut Are Next to None! ch37
Book titles and artists
  • Không có quân nào là tôi không thể dứt!
  • Kirenu Hai Nado Anmari Nai!
  • The Tiles That I Cannot Cut Are Next to None!
  • The Tiles That I Cannot Cut Are Next to None! ch37
  • Тохоу ~ Не осталось плиток, которые я могу разделить!
  • 切れぬ牌などあんまりない!
MangaDex description (English)

A mahjong craze has swept Gensokyo. Youmu, a total beginner at mahjong (with a completely useless ability at that), has no choice but to go against the top players of Gensokyo – for her mistress' honor and her own!

MangaDex description (Russian)

Увлечение маджонгом охватило Генсокию. Юму, абсолютный новичок в маджонге (при этом совершенно никчемный), не имеет иного выбора, кроме как пойти против лучших игроков Генсокии - за честь своей хозяйки и свою собственную!

EnglishMangaDex22 pages27 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans22 pages
This work is part of a series with 308 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Ladies of the Scarlet Devil Mansion ch10
Book titles and artists
  • Koumakan no Onnatachi
  • Ladies of Koumakan
  • Ladies of Scarlet Devil Mansion
  • Ladies of the Scarlet Devil Mansion ch10
  • 東方Project二次創作シリーズ 紅魔館の女たち
  • 紅魔館の女たち
MangaDex description (English)

A light-hearted comedy centered on the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Unofficial and non-canon. Published monthly in the web edition of Strange Creators of Outer World.

EnglishMangaDex18 pages9 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans18 pages
This work is part of a series with 288 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Forbidden Scrollery ch5.5
Book titles and artists
  • (official)Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery
  • Convento do Sino Oriental ~ Pergaminho Proibido
  • Eastern Bell Hermitage ~ Forbidden Scrollery.
  • Forbidden Scrollery ch5.5
  • Touhou Suzunaan ~ Forbidden Scrollery.
  • Touhou Suzunaan ~ Linh Nại Am
  • Östliche Klause der Glockenrübe ~ Forbidden Scrollery.
  • 東方鈴奈庵 ~ Forbidden Scrollery.
MangaDex description (Arabic)

كتب دايمون هي كتب تحمل قوة اليوكاي ويمكن حتى ان يكون محبوس بها يوكاي، فماذا سيحدث عندما تحصل ...كوسوزو موتووري على القدرة على قراءتها

MangaDex description (English)

Touhou official comic published by Kadokawa in Comp Ace that began publishing on October 26, 2012. The story is written by ZUN, with illustrations by Moe Harukawa. It introduces a human book renter and collector Kosuzu Motoori as the main character, with the story centered around her mysterious ability to decipher any book no matter the language or script, and her assortment of various rare and dangerous demon books.

MangaDex description (Portuguese)

“Kosuzu Motoori é uma funcionária da biblioteca Suzunaan que acaba de despertar um poder que lhe permite traduzir tudo que lê, inclusive o “Livro Youma”, um livro que descreve as criaturas yokais. Reimu Hakurei, um a exorcista especialista em resolver os mistérios que abrange os yokais, esta preocupada com o rumo que Kosuzu pode dar ao livro…"

EnglishMangaDex22 pages
EnglishDynasty Scans22 pages
This work is part of a series with 174 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Touhou Sangetsusei: Visionary Fairies in Shrine ch15
Book titles and artists
  • As Três Fadas Orientais - Fadas Visionárias no Santuário.
  • Eastern Three Fairies ~ Visionary Fairies in Shrine.
  • Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Visionary Fairies in Shrine.
  • Touhou Sangetsusei: Visionary Fairies in Shrine ch15
  • 東方三月精 〜 Visionary Fairies in Shrine.
MangaDex description (English)

The fourth and final part in the official long-running Touhou Sangetsusei series, marking the long-awaited return of the daily tomfoolery by Gensokyo's Three Fairies of Light. This time, they're joined by fan-favorite and honorary fourth member, Clownpiece!

2005: Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Eastern and Little Nature Deity.
2006: Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Strange and Bright Nature Deity.
2009: Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Oriental Sacred Place.
2016: Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Visionary Fairies in Shrine.

MangaDex description (Portuguese)

Continuação das travessuras das fadas, agora com uma nova integrante!

EnglishMangaDex44 pages23 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans44 pages
This work is part of a series with 165 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
The Gensokyo of Humans ch16
Book titles and artists
  • Ningentachi no Gensokyo
  • The Gensokyo of Humans ch16
  • Touhou ~ O Gensokyo dos Humanos
  • Touhou ~ The Gensokyo of Humans
  • Генсокё людей
  • 東方Project二次創作シリーズ 人間たちの幻想郷
MangaDex description (English)

Each person has his own time on earth - some more and some less. And while the generations go on, the people in them change over and over again. However, the Hieda family has a different attitude, since the head of the house, Hieda no Akyu, though endowed with the gift of rebirth, is doomed to spend less and less time on earth with each incarnation.

It's not uncommon for ordinary people that their memory, eyes, and perception are failing to work properly in their old age. But what to do if it happens to a person whose age does not lend itself to the words "old" or "young"? And if they are old, then it is time to prepare for the ritual of rebirth, isn't it? In such times, it becomes difficult to believe the words of the current head, so it is up to the other members of the family to take the reins.

This is a story that authentically portrays the friendships, conflicts, and growth of the people of Gensokyo, with Hieda no Akyuu and Motoori Kosuzu at its center.

MangaDex description (Russian)

Каждому человеку отведёно своё время на земле - кому-то больше, а кому-то меньше. И пусть рода продолжаются, люди в них раз разом меняются и изменяются. Однако, в семье Хиэда отношение к этому несколько иное, ведь глава дома, Хиэда-но Акю, пусть и наделена даром перерождения, с каждой своей инкарнацией обречена ступать по земле всё меньше и меньше времени.

Обычных людей на старости лет не редко может подводить память, глаза, восприятие. Но что делать, если такое случается с человеком, чей возраст не поддается словам "стар" или "молод"? А если же он всё-таки стар, то, значит, пора готовиться к ритуалу перерождения, ведь так? В такие времена верить словам нынешнего главы становится трудно, поэтому взять поводья в руки должны другие члены семьи.

Это история, достоверно изображающая дружбу, конфликты и рост жителей Генсокё, в центре которой будут находиться Хиэда-но Акю и Мотоори Косудзу.

EnglishMangaDex16 pages7 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans16 pages
This work is part of a series with 130 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
(C80) [Hachimitsu Zakura (Kamonari)] Cirno to Reimu no One Two Three 5
Book titles and artists
  • (C80) [Hachimitsu Zakura (Kamonari)] Cirno to Reimu no One Two Three 5
  • (C80) [Hachimitsu Zakura (Kamonari)] Cirno to Reimu no One Two Three 5 | Cirno and Reimu's One Two Three 5
  • (C80) [ハチミツザクラ (鴨鳴)] チルノとれいむのワンツースリー 5
  • Chiruno to Reimu no Wan Tsu Suri
  • Cirno and Reimu's One-Two-Three 5 (Kamonari Ahiru)
  • Cirno and Reimu's One-Two-Three ch05
  • Cirno and Reimu’s 1-2-3
  • Cirno to Reimu no One Two Three
  • Cirno to Reimu no One Two Three 5
  • チルノとれいむのワンツースリー
  • チルノとれいむのワンツースリー 5
  • 夏コミ本サンプル
Danbooru description

チルノとれいむのワンツースリー 5

part 1.00: pool #2147 (chronologically 3.5)
part 1.50: pool #2272
part 2.00: pool #2321
part 2.05: pool #2329
part 3.00: pool #3457
part 4.00: pool #4135
part 5.00: (this pool)
part 6.00: pool #5082
part 7.00: pool #6224
part 8.00: pool #6228

MangaDex description (English)

What happens when Reimu and Cirno start spending some quality time together?

Pixiv description (Japanese) チルノと霊夢のお話。夏コミで出す予定の本のサンプル5ページです。    よければこちらもどうぞ!(自サイト)
EnglishMangaDex43 pages
EnglishDynasty Scans43 pages
This work is part of a series with 118 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
[ALISON Airlines (ALISON)] Uchuu no Shi o Mita Furoufushi ~Shuuen-hen~
Book titles and artists
  • The Immortal Who Saw the Death of The Universe
  • The Immortal Who Saw the Death of the Universe: Final Part
  • Touhou dj - The Immortal Who Saw the Death of The Universe
  • Uchuu no Shi o Mita Furoufushi
  • [ALISON Airlines (ALISON)] Uchuu no Shi o Mita Furoufushi ~Shuuen Hen~ | 우주의 죽음을 본 불로불사~종말편~
  • [ALISON Airlines (ALISON)] Uchuu no Shi o Mita Furoufushi ~Shuuen-hen~
  • [ALISON Airlines (ALISON)] Uchuu no Shi o Mita Furoufushi ~Shuuen-hen~ | La Inmortal que Vio la Muerte del Universo ~Parte Final~
  • [ALISON Airlines (ALISON)] Uchuu no Shi o Mita Furoufushi ~Shuuen-hen~ | The Immortal Who Saw the Death of The Universe ~Final Part~
  • [ALISON航空 (ALISON)] 宇宙の死を見た不老不死~終焉編~
  • 宇宙の死を見た不老不死
MangaDex description (English)

The consequences of true immortality.

Now with bonus pages.

EnglishMangaDex75 pages17 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans75 pages
This work is part of a series with 109 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Mamange Eternal
Book titles and artists
  • Mamange Ei
  • Mamange Eien
  • Mamange Eternal
  • Mamange Forever
  • ママんげ永
MangaDex description (English)

After a five year hiatus, the beloved Touhou doujin series by Shigeru Koyama continues, in which we follow the slice of life adventures of the Eientei family and their neighbors in the nostalgic and contemporary town of Gensouchou.

English translation also available on Danbooru:

EnglishMangaDex29 pages7 comments
EnglishMangaDex17 pages7 comments
EnglishMangaDex24 pages4 comments
EnglishMangaDex32 pages4 comments
EnglishMangaDex21 pages4 comments
EnglishMangaDex30 pages1 comment
EnglishMangaDex24 pages5 comments
EnglishMangaDex17 pages2 comments
EnglishMangaDex8 pages
EnglishMangaDex48 pages2 comments
EnglishMangaDex17 pages
EnglishMangaDex26 pages1 comment
EnglishMangaDex26 pages
EnglishMangaDex21 pages
EnglishMangaDex15 pages
EnglishMangaDex30 pages
EnglishMangaDex18 pages
EnglishMangaDex18 pages
EnglishMangaDex18 pages
EnglishMangaDex18 pages
EnglishMangaDex23 pages1 comment
EnglishMangaDex11 pages1 comment
EnglishMangaDex19 pages
EnglishMangaDex26 pages
EnglishMangaDex25 pages
EnglishMangaDex14 pages4 comments
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EnglishMangaDex34 pages3 comments
EnglishMangaDex42 pages6 comments
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EnglishMangaDex13 pages2 comments
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EnglishMangaDex14 pages
EnglishMangaDex18 pages
EnglishMangaDex18 pages4 comments
EnglishMangaDex17 pages3 comments
EnglishMangaDex12 pages1 comment
EnglishMangaDex13 pages2 comments
EnglishMangaDex11 pages1 comment
This work is part of a series with 107 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
(SCoOW) [Tanuki Ichiba (Shijimi)] Starving Marisa's Blessed Meal Ch. 9
Book titles and artists
  • (SCoOW) [Tanuki Ichiba (Shijimi)] Harapeko Marisa no Shiawase Gohan 9-shoku-me | La comida de Marisa hambrienta - Novena comida
  • (SCoOW) [Tanuki Ichiba (Shijimi)] Starving Marisa's Blessed Meal Ch. 9
  • (SCoOW) [たぬき市場 (しじみ)] はらぺこ魔理沙のしあわせごはん 9食目
  • Bữa ăn phước lành của Marisa chết đói
  • Harapeko Marisa no Shiawase Gohan
  • Starving Marisa's Blessed Meal
  • Starving Marisa's Blessed Meal ch09
  • Touhou Project Niji Sousaku Series - Harapeko Marisa no Shiawase Gohan
  • はらぺこ魔理沙のしあわせごはん
  • 東方Project二次創作シリーズ はらぺこ魔理沙のしあわせごはん
MangaDex description (English)

Ongoing Touhou manga from nva222 published in the official Strange Creators of Outer World magazine.

EnglishDynasty Scans12 pages
This work is part of a series with 100 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Spell ch09
Book titles and artists
  • Spell ch09
  • Superu
  • スペル
MangaDex description (English)

A dramatic story set in the past of Gensokyo, before the creation of the spell card rules, following around a young Reimu. Unofficial and non-canon. Published in the web edition of Strange Creators of Outer World.

EnglishMangaDex26 pages6 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans26 pages
This work is part of a series with 92 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
The Magician Who Loved a Fake ch17
Book titles and artists
  • The Magician Who Loved a Fake
  • The Magician Who Loved a Fake ch17
  • Ведьма, влюблённая в обман
  • 偽物に恋した魔法使い
EnglishMangaDex31 pages9 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans31 pages
This work is part of a series with 91 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Until the Water Became Wholly Red ch28.5
Book titles and artists
  • Ikemizu Kotogotoku Aka (Touhou)
  • Until the Water Became Wholly Red
  • Until the Water Became Wholly Red ch28.5
  • Покуда воды все не зальются алым
  • いけみずこくごとくあか (東方)
  • 池水尽く紅 (東方)
MangaDex description (English)

Youkai Mountain, Gensokyo. Even within this closed-off world, the tengu have their own closed-off, multilayered society. All Shameimaru Aya wants is to work on the scoop of a lifetime, but all around her, much more complicated schemes are afoot, and it seems they can't help but get in her way.

Long-running doujin series by Ashiyama, author of "The Gensokyo of Humans" and "The Magician Who Loved a Fake". Published in book form and for free on Pixiv.

EnglishMangaDex8 pages
EnglishDynasty Scans8 pages
This work is part of a series with 83 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
(C95) [Scichil (Hokuto)]  Vector Spectacle 5 - Hyou
Book titles and artists
  • (C87) ベクトルスペクタクル・中 (東方Project)
  • (C88) ベクトルスペクタクル・下 (東方Project)
  • (C95) [Scichil (Hokuto)] Vector Spectacle 5 - Hyou
  • (C95) [Scichil (Hokuto)] Vector Spectacle 5 - Hyou
  • (C95) [Scichil (Hokuto)] Vector Spectacle Hyou
  • (C95) [サイチル (北斗)] ベクトルスペクタクル・表
  • (Reitaisai 11)
  • (Reitaisai 14) Vector Spectacle Ura (Touhou Project)
  • (例大祭11)ベクトルスペクタクル・上 (東方Project)
  • (例大祭14) ベクトルスペクタクル裏 (東方Project)
  • Touhou Project - Vector Spectacle Chuu
  • Touhou Project - Vector Spectacle Jou
  • Touhou Project - Vector Spectacle Ura
  • Vector Spectacle
  • Vector Spectacle Ge
  • Vector Spectacle Hyou (Hokuto (Scichil))
  • Vector Spectacle ch05
  • ベクトルスペクタクル・表
MangaDex description (English)

A (to date) five part series.

Melonbooks description (Japanese) サークル(先生)からのコメント/作品詳細






EnglishMangaDex46 pages9 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans46 pages
This work is part of a series with 81 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
(C87) [Irori Sabou (tyatamaru)] MariAli ga Kosodate wo Suru Hanashi Sister
Book titles and artists
  • (C87) [Irori Sabou (tyatamaru)] MariAli ga Kosodate o Suru Hanashi Sister
  • (C87) [Irori Sabou (tyatamaru)] MariAli ga Kosodate wo Suru Hanashi Sister
  • (C87) [囲炉裏茶房 (茶太丸)] マリアリが子育てをする話 Sister
  • MariAli ga Kosodate wo Suru Hanashi Sister
  • MariAri ga Kosodate wo Suru Hanashi
  • Touhou dj - MariAri ga Kosodate wo Suru Hanashi
  • マリアリが子育てをする話
  • マリアリが子育てをする話 Sister
MangaDex description (English)

Part of Touhou series.

EnglishMangaDex21 pages
EnglishDynasty Scans21 pages22 comments
This work is part of a series with 76 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
Love-Colored Boundary ch05
Book titles and artists
  • Border of Love Colors (Touhou Project)
  • Koiiro no Kyoukai
  • Koiiro no Kyoukai (Touhou)
  • Love-Colored Boundary ch05
  • 恋色の境界 (東方)
MangaDex description (English)

A Touhou Project Doujinshi Series

EnglishMangaDex28 pages12 comments
EnglishDynasty Scans28 pages
EnglishMangaDex23 pages6 comments
This work is part of a series with 73 comments. Only the latest release is shown.
(Shuuki Reitaisai 3) [Anzu no Ki (Unyakichi)] Eirin to Keine no Ohanashi. -Sono Ni-
Book titles and artists
  • (Shuuki Reitaisai 3) [Anzu no Ki (Unyakichi)] Eirin to Keine no Ohanashi. -Sono Ni-
  • (秋季例大祭3) [あんずの木 (うにゃ吉)] 永琳と慧音のお話。 ‐其の弐‐
  • A Story of Eirin and Keine
  • A Story of Eirin and Keine (Touhou Project)
  • A Story of Eirin and Keine: Part Two
  • 永琳と慧音のお話。-其の弐-
MangaDex description (English)

A Eirin x Keine doujin.

EnglishMangaDex51 pages
EnglishDynasty Scans51 pages
This work is part of a series with 71 comments. Only the latest release is shown.