![(Shuuki Reitaisai 11) [Honetsuki Frill (Ishikawa Spare Rib)] Miteite,Hoshikuzu no Kagayaki,Muko no Maboroshi.](/thumbnail/eh-3230501.jpg)
Book titles and artists
- (Shuuki Reitaisai 11) [Honetsuki Frill (Ishikawa Spare Rib)] Miteite,Hoshikuzu no Kagayaki,Muko no Maboroshi.
- (秋季例大祭11) [骨付きフリル (石川スペアリブ)] 見ていて、星屑のかがやき、無辜のまぼろし。

Book titles and artists
- Touhou Project - Life of Maid
![[はれのひこまち(あやはる)] 好孩子?坏孩子?瑞灵酱(东方Project)【宫出口瑞灵吧汉化】](/thumbnail/eh-3221861.jpg)
Book titles and artists
- [はれのひこまち(あやはる)] いい子?わるい子?瑞霊ちゃん
- [はれのひこまち(あやはる)] 好孩子?坏孩子?瑞灵酱(东方Project)【宫出口瑞灵吧汉化】
![[はれのひこまち(あやはる)] いい子?わるい子?瑞霊ちゃん](/thumbnail/eh-3221856.jpg)
Book titles and artists
- [はれのひこまち(あやはる)] いい子?わるい子?瑞霊ちゃん

Book titles and artists
- Border of Love Colors (Touhou Project)
- Koiiro no Kyoukai
- Koiiro no Kyoukai (Touhou)
- Love-Colored Boundary ch04
- 恋色の境界 (東方)
MangaDex description (English)
A Touhou Project Doujinshi Series

Danbooru description
Artist: Shitacemayo

Danbooru description
Artist: Buchi10 2
Series: https://www.pixiv.net/user/50600703/series/270454

Touhou Chireikiden - Cheating Detective Satori ch41
Series: Touhou Chireikiden - Cheating Detective Satori
Book titles and artists
- Eastern Strange Legend of Wise Spirits - Cheating Detective Satori
- Eastern Strange Legend of Wise Spirits - Foul Detective Satori
- Estranha Lenda Oriental dos Sábios Espíritos ~ A Detetive Trapaceira Satori
- Touhou Chireikiden - Cheating Detective Satori ch41
- Touhou Chireikiden - Hansoku Tantei Satori
- Đông Phương Trí Linh Kỳ Truyện ~ Thám Tử Bất Tuân Satori
- 東方智霊奇伝 反則探偵さとり
MangaDex description (English)
The fifth official Touhou manga (and the first webcomic) written by ZUN and originally drawn by Ginmokusei.
Touhou Chireikiden focuses on Satori Komeiji's endeavors as a detective, solving mysteries around Gensokyo.
Serialization was paused for a few months after volume 2 was finished due to the health concerns of the original artist Ginmokusei. The series resumed serialization with Yuu Akimaki as the new artist.
Manga on NicoNico
Touhou Web Blog -
New serialisation:
MangaDex description (Portuguese)
Touhou Chireikiden é a primeira webcomic oficial da série Touhou Project, escrita por ZUN com ilustrações da novata Ginmokusei, apresentando Satori Komeiji como a mestra detetive das profundezas da Terra.
Pode ser lido em japonês gratuitamente no web blog oficial: https://touhougarakuta.com/comic/touhouchireikiden_1/
MangaDex description (Spanish)
Cada vez que en Gensokyo se produce un incidente en el que está involucrado un youkai, la sacerdotisa Reimu Hakurei suele resolver la situación confrontando al culpable. Sin embargo, los casos en los que los culpables ocultan su identidad suelen ser demasiado complejos como para que la exterminadora de youkais se encargue de ello.
Entra en escena Satori Komeiji. Como youkai satori, posee un tercer ojo que le permite leer las mentes, detectando a cualquier criminal sin importar las mentiras que pueda inventarse. Con su extraordinaria aptitud como detective, Satori es capaz de resolver todos los misterios que se le plantea, aunque no siempre quiera salir de su mansión.
MangaDex description (Vietnamese)
Manga chính thức thứ 5 của Touhou, kịch bản được viết bởi ZUN và được minh họa bởi Ginmonkusei (Sau này được đổi thành Akimaki Yuu vì sức khỏe của Ginmonkusei có vấn đề)
Bộ truyện tập trung vào Satori Komeji, một yêu quái có khả năng đọc tâm trí người khác, cô bắt đầu trở thành thám tử và đi giải quyết các vụ án ở khắp Ảo Tưởng Hương.

Touhou Drunken Butterfly Flower ~ Lotus Eaters' Sobering ch61
Series: Touhou Drunken Butterfly Flower ~ Lotus Eaters' Sobering
Book titles and artists
- Flor de Borboleta Bêbada Oriental ~ Os Bêbados e Sóbrios Comedores de Lotus
- The Lotus Eaters, Drunk and Sober
- Touhou Drunken Butterfly Flower ~ Lotus Eaters' Sobering
- Touhou Drunken Butterfly Flower ~ Lotus Eaters' Sobering ch61
- Touhou Suichouka ~ Lotus Eater-tachi no Suisei
- Touhou: Flor de Borboleta Bêbada ~ Comedores de Lotus, Bêbados e Sóbrios
- 東方酔蝶華 ロータスイーター達の酔醒
MangaDex description (English)
In this sixth official Touhou manga series from ZUN, the shrine maiden Reimu Hakurei goes to investigate a strange rumor in the human village, where she gets involved with the local Geidontei bar and its poster girl, Miyoi Okunoda.
MangaDex description (Japanese)
MangaDex description (Portuguese)
Uma estranha história sobre álcool. O mais novo mangá oficial de "Touhou", escrito por ZUN.
Existe um rumor de que em um bar chamado "Geidontei", localizado em uma área remota de Gensokyo, um cliente bêbado foi sequestrado por um youkai. Reimu, sacerdotisa do Santuário Hakurei, embarca em uma investigação, mas aparentemente, a chave para desvendar o caso está na garçonete da loja…?
MangaDex description (Spanish)
En la aldea humana de Gensokyo, un rumor sobre un youkai que supuestamente secuestra a personas alcoholizadas se extiende de forma repentina con gran rapidez, causando miedo y preocupación entre la gente. Mientras tanto, en el centro de este rumor, el bar izakaya Geidontei, no hay nada fuera de lugar en lo que respecta a su comida y bebida, o incluso con respecto a su propietario.
Cuando la sacerdotisa Reimu Hakurei se entera de la situación, intenta cumplir con su deber de investigar el sospechoso establecimiento. Sin embargo, el caso la lleva a otra persona: Miyoi Okunoda, cuya existencia parece ser tan volátil como una burbuja.

Book titles and artists
- Koumakan no Onnatachi
- Ladies of Koumakan
- Ladies of Scarlet Devil Mansion
- Ladies of the Scarlet Devil Mansion ch10
- 東方Project二次創作シリーズ 紅魔館の女たち
- 紅魔館の女たち
MangaDex description (English)
A light-hearted comedy centered on the residents of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. Unofficial and non-canon. Published monthly in the web edition of Strange Creators of Outer World.

Danbooru description
Artist: Umebitan
Original title: 博麗幻影
Gallery: pixiv #124509277

Danbooru description
Kudamaki Tsukasa just eats convenience store food.

Danbooru description
Artist: Shishi Osamu
Original title: 小悪魔とレミリア

Danbooru description
Artist: Monrooru
Original title: 霊夢の夏
Gallery: pixiv #43724985
![[Artist] さとうきび](/thumbnail/eh-3206839.jpg)
![[Honya no Hidari Click (Honya)] Reiuji utsuho wa Chikara o tokihanatta!](/thumbnail/eh-3201990.jpg)
Book titles and artists
- [Honya no Hidari Click (Honya)] Reiuji utsuho wa Chikara o tokihanatta!
- [ほにゃーの左クリック (ほにゃー)] れいうじうつほは ちからを ときはなった!

Danbooru description
Artist: Lysander Z
![(Komachi 4) [TOYBOX, Kujira Logic (Kurikara, Kujiran)] Mikanbako](/thumbnail/eh-3196071.jpg)
Book titles and artists
- (Komachi 4) [TOYBOX, Kujira Logic (Kurikara, Kujiran)] Mikanbako
- (東方不敗小町4) [といぼっくす、くぢらろじっく (くりから、くぢらん)] みかん箱
![[Sorabatake (D@i)] YOUMU THE RIPPER](/thumbnail/eh-3195229.jpg)
Book titles and artists
- [Sorabatake (D@i)] YOUMU THE RIPPER
- [そらばたけ (D@i)] YOUMU THE RIPPER

Danbooru description
Artist: Oysterfried