Touhou Doujinshi Index

(C95) [Yakumi Sarai (Zounose)] 3x3x3...
Book titles and artists
  • (C95) [Yakumi Sarai (Zounose)] 3x3x3...
  • (C95) [薬味さらい (ゾウノセ)] 3×3×3…
  • 3x3x3...
  • 3x3x3... (Zounose)
  • 3×3×3…
  • Amanozako
  • DODO
  • God's Break
  • Goldfish Bowl
  • Higan’s Camellia
  • Hunting Dog's Fangs
  • Kanikan
  • Kingyobachi
  • Magic of Isolation
  • Mugamubiru
  • Nostalgia a la carte
  • Not Growing Used to the Wind
  • R/O
  • Roasted Misfortune
  • Souku no Kiba
  • When You Wish Upon A STAR
  • ムガムビル
MangaDex description (English)

The collections of Touhou doujins created by Zounose. Each volume consists of 5 already released stories, and 1 exclusive combining plot elements from the other 5.

Mugamubiru 1 stories:

  1. Ue Tora
  2. Souku no Kiba
  3. When You Wish Upon A Star
  4. Vintage
  5. Dodo
  6. Kasei

Mugamubiru 2 stories:

  1. Kingyobachi
  2. Higan Tsubaki
  3. Rainfall
  4. Kami Yasumi
  5. Canni-can
  6. R/O

Mugamubiru 3 stories:

  1. Icarus
  2. Kaminare
  3. Frandog
  4. Datenshi
  5. Babanbabanki
  6. ルベバ

Mugamubiru 4 stories:

  1. Kaeru no Kuni
  2. Shitei
  3. Dragon Killer
  4. Shirogane Edge
  5. Curse of Crimson
  6. Kaeru no Kuni 2: Land of the Frogs Strikes Back

Mugamubiru 5 stories:

  1. Amanozako
  2. Nostalgia a La Carte
  3. Roasted Misfortune
  4. Magic of Isolation
  5. Without Growing Used to the Wind
  6. 3 x 3 x 3...

Mugamubiru 6 stories:

  1. Ikaregami
  2. Kachikomi Tengu
  3. Happy Birthday Remilia
  4. The Last Supper
  5. Momizi Roll
  6. Shinmei Nameshi

Mugamubiru 7 stories:

  1. Moriya-sama
  2. Marshmallow Sumireko
  3. Dancers of the Boundary
  4. Hakurei Grail
  5. MasqueReimu
  6. Hifuu Club

Mugamubiru 8 stories:

  1. Suwako VS Space Suwako
  2. Flowers in Full Bloom
  3. Go! Go! Around
  4. Crow and Rabbit
  5. Mazi-Magi
  6. Primal Flower

Mugamubiru 9 stories:

  1. Sichuan Girl
  2. Goodbye Beast
  3. Return of Suwako
  4. Bloodshed! Mayhem!! Let's Beseech 'Em!!!
  5. Gods Gods Gods
  6. EATER
EnglishMangaDex31 pages
(C95) [Yakumi Sarai (Zounose)] 3x3x3... (Mugamubiru 5) (Touhou Project) [English] [DB Scans]
EnglishEH76 pages
EnglishDynasty Scans76 pages8 comments
Touhou - 3x3x3... (Zounose)
EnglishDanbooru76 pages24 comments
(C95) [Yakumi Sarai (Zounose)] 3x3x3... (Mugamubiru 5) (Touhou Project)
JapaneseEH76 pages
(C95) [Yakumi Sarai (Zounose)] 3x3x3... (Mugamubiru 5) (Touhou Project) [Spanish] {Paty Scans}
SpanishEH76 pages