Touhou Doujinshi Index

[Ebizome (Sys-Lila)] 超激突!!!地底攻略伝
Book titles and artists
  • Super Crash! Capturing the Underground (Ebizome)
  • [Ebizome (Sys-Lila)] 超激突!!!地底攻略伝
  • 超激突!!!地底攻略伝
Danbooru description

Original title: 超激突!!!地底攻略伝
Artist: Ebizome

In the wake of the Reitaisai 8 pixiv contest (pool #2772), Kanako attempts to gracefully acknowledge the SA cast as the victors. However Satori refuses any such thing and thus it begins...

Pixiv description (Japanese) 風神録は負けたけど漫画の中くらいは地霊殿を屈服させてやろうという非常に敗者お似合いのカッコ悪い理由でつくられた漫画です。よーし全チームタグ網羅した!もう思い残すことは無いぞー。■ぬあーしまった30P目のさとりとこいしの名前逆だ!誤字しない程度の能力が欲しい……。
[Ebizome (Sys-Lila)] 超激突!!!地底攻略伝 (Touhou Project)
JapaneseEH48 pages
Touhou - Super Crash! Capturing the Underground (Ebizome)
JapaneseDanbooru48 pages9 comments
JapanesePixiv48 pages