Touhou Doujinshi Index

[Satou Yokochou] Beni no Utsukushi
Book titles and artists
  • The Beauty of Scarlet (yokochou)
  • [Satou Yokochou] Beni no Utsukushi
  • [Satou Yokochou] Beni no Utsukushi | the beauty of scarlet
  • [佐藤横丁] べにのうつくし
  • べにのうつくし1
Danbooru description

A Hong Meiling origin story.

Japanese title: べにのうつくし

Next Story:
pool #4297

Pixiv description (Japanese) 長いの始めました その2→illust/20422424
[Satou Yokochou] Beni no Utsukushi | the beauty of scarlet (Touhou Project) [English]
EnglishEH86 pages
Touhou - The Beauty of Scarlet (yokochou)
EnglishDanbooru86 pages157 comments
[Satou Yokochou] Beni no Utsukushi (Touhou Project)
JapaneseEH86 pages
JapanesePixiv8 pages