Touhou Doujinshi Index

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    [Gisele] Morpheus' Dining Table - The Strange Bedfellows of Heron and Tapir
    Book titles and artists
    • Morpheus no Sokutaku - Ishoudoumu no Sagi to Baku
    • Morpheus' Dining Table - The Strange Bedfellows of Heron and Tapir
    • Morpheus's Dining Table - The Strange Bedfellows of Heron and Tapir (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    • [Gisele] Morpheus' Dining Table - The Strange Bedfellows of Heron and Tapir
    • [じぜる] モルフェウスの食卓 - 異床同夢の鷺と獏
    • モルフェウスの食卓 - 異床同夢の鷺と獏
    Danbooru description

    Japanese title: モルフェウスの食卓 - 異床同夢の鷺と獏
    Webcomic by jizeru (giselebon)

    MangaDex description (English)

    A Doremy x Sagume doujin.

    Pixiv description (Japanese) 独自設定・暴力・百合・性的表現有り
    EnglishMangaDex20 pages
    EnglishDynasty Scans20 pages9 comments
    [Gisele] Morpheus' Dining Table - The Strange Bedfellows of Heron and Tapir (Touhou Project) [English]
    EnglishEH20 pages
    Touhou - Morpheus's Dining Table - The Strange Bedfellows of Heron and Tapir (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    EnglishDanbooru19 pages11 comments
    JapanesePixiv19 pages
    The Primal Scene of Hell the Severed Head Saw (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    Book titles and artists
    • Namakubi ga Mita Jigoku no Genfuukei
    • The Primal Scene of Hell the Severed Head Saw
    • The Primal Scene of Hell the Severed Head Saw (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    • なまくびが見た地獄の原風景
    Danbooru description

    Japanese Title: 生首が見た地獄の原風景

    A sequel to pool #10980.

    Pixiv description (Japanese) この漫画【illust/55433824】の後日談のような漫画です。
    EnglishMangaDex5 pages
    EnglishDynasty Scans5 pages7 comments
    Touhou - The Primal Scene of Hell the Severed Head Saw (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    EnglishDanbooru4 pages9 comments
    JapanesePixiv4 pages
    Seven-Colored Hecatia (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    Book titles and artists
    • Nanairo no Hecatia
    • Seven-Colored Hecatia
    • Seven-Colored Hecatia (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    • なないろのヘカーティア
    Danbooru description

    Original title: なないろのヘカーティア

    Pixiv description (Japanese) 続きのような漫画→【illust/57130829
    EnglishMangaDex7 pages
    EnglishDynasty Scans7 pages2 comments
    Touhou - Seven-Colored Hecatia (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    EnglishDanbooru6 pages22 comments
    JapanesePixiv6 pages
    [Gisele] Getsumen Yojouhan - Another Lunatic Kingdom | Moontop Room - Another Lunatic Kingdom
    Book titles and artists
    • Getsumen Yojouhan - Another Lunatic Kingdom
    • Moontop Room - Another Lunatic Kingdom
    • Moontop Room - Another Lunatic Kingdom (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    • [Gisele] Getsumen Yojouhan - Another Lunatic Kingdom | Moontop Room - Another Lunatic Kingdom
    • [じぜる] 月面四畳半 - Another Lunatic Kingdom
    • 月面四畳半 - Another Lunatic Kingdom
    Danbooru description

    Japanese title: 月面四畳半

    Pixiv description (Japanese) 独自設定・解釈・暴力描写有り
    EnglishMangaDex21 pages1 comment
    [Gisele] Getsumen Yojouhan - Another Lunatic Kingdom | Moontop Room - Another Lunatic Kingdom (Touhou Project) [English]
    EnglishEH21 pages
    EnglishDynasty Scans21 pages7 comments
    Touhou - Moontop Room - Another Lunatic Kingdom (Jizeru (Giselebon))
    EnglishDanbooru20 pages44 comments
    JapanesePixiv20 pages